We are exhibiting at Screwfix Live 2024
27th - 29th September
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Patent applications
Title Publication no Country/region Status Priority date
Fixing Set for a panel EP2779868 (A1) Europe Granted 22/5/2019 15/11/2011
Fixing Set for a panel GB2496613 (A) UK Granted 2/8/2016 15/11/2011


Registered designs

Indication of product Design number Country region Status Priority date
Fastening devices 001953662-0001 Europe Registered 25/11/2011
Fastening devices 001953662-0002 Europe Registered 25/11/2011
Fastening devices 001953662-0003 Europe Registered 25/11/2011
Fastening devices 006268181-0001 Europe Registered 26/02/2019
Fastening devices 015026943-0001 Europe Registered 05/07/2023
Fastening devices D686,942 USA Registered 25/11/2011
Fastening devices D686,943 USA Registered 25/11/2011
Fastening devices D738,704 USA Registered 25/11/2011
Fastening devices D937,078 USA Registered 26/02/2019


Trademark applications and registrations

Trademark name Trademark no Country/region Classes Status
 button-fix 10825578 European Community 6,19,20 Registered
 button-fix 1193530 International Trademark (IR) 6,19,20 Registered
 button-fix 1193530 Australia (designation of IR) 6,19,20 Registered
 button-fix 1193530 Japan (designation of IR) 6,19,20 Registered
 button-fix 1193530 New Zealand (designation of IR) 6,19,20 Registered
 button-fix 1193530 Turkey (designation of IR) 6,19,20 Filed
 BUTTONFIX 2598871 UK 6,19,20 Registered
 BUTTON-FIX 4,397,944 USA 6,20 Registered
 button-fix 910825578 UK 6,19,20 Registered

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